Saturday, July 21, 2007

HI, This is the first post of EXCO 2007-2008

Hello, I'm Tu on behalf of guitar Exco 2007-08 (so special treatment here, simply I just got user name and password from Weijun. Everybody will have it so you can freely post stuff here), I declare this is the first post of newly NJ Guitar batch. From now on, we vow we will post stuff more often and won't let this be as dead as it was under the monarchy of seniors

Okie, enough with formal stuff, I go straight to the point now. Basically I'm gonna list out reasons why we need to CHECK and UPDATE THIS BLOG DAILY as well as some home rules which can be modified according to majority's vote

10 Reasons why we need this site:
- To prove that NJ guitar ensemble is super HIP....So try to post fun stuff
- More importantly, to make life much easier when it comes to mass communication between exco and member. SMS is just too minimal to deliver what we want to tell you guys.
- To update you with the upcoming events, plans and schedule in case someone falls asleep or gone missing during practice and miss out the important notice
- To provide you with abundant of refererence resources, usually about pieces we are practicing. We will upload tons of mp3, useful youtube links and tutorials for you here...Try your best to snatch all of them since hosting last for a very short period only (10 days from the posting date)
- To share stuff like funny photos we take during events like orientation, camp, performances blah blah
- To communicate with our teachers in charge in more homy way.
- To show how much EXCO love you. There will be emo post before/after performance by look out and watch out for it k?
- To show how much you love US and Guitar. User name and password will be made available for you to speak your own thoughts here...wait ah, I'm figuring out how to share one account on blogger.
- To chit chat with our beloved seniors/juniors/bypassers/NJguitar wannabes on our very own tagbox
- To link us we will have more blogs to read everyday (but rmb to do your homework first)

- State your name if you post anything here (I'm trying to figure how to share the account, so everytime you post, your name will automatically it possible here?)
- No vulgarity. We are nice Guitarists
- No backstabbing, bad-mouthing any fellow NJCians, Guitarist and other people inside and outside NJ.
....I cannot think of anything more to ban you yeah...spill it all out here. Share with us anything you want to.


Notice: I will give you password and user name soon. This blog will also undergo renovation (I need to change assure, I'll give it a nice one)......BUT DO CHECK IT OUT EVERYDAY AND TAG OUR BLOG ok? THANKS

peace out


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