Monday, June 02, 2008

Guitar Camp 2008!

3-5 June (tue-thu)
Tue: 9am- 5pm (NJC)
Wed: 9am-1pm (NJC), wed 1pm- thu 10am (aloha changi's halton bungalow)

Important things to note:

1) Please remind your parents/guardians if you are staying overnight for the camp. Do note that staying overnight in the chalet is NOT part of guitar camp and the camp committee/ teachers/ school will not hold any responsibilities for any accidents, mishaps or personal injuries during the course of the stay in chalet. The chalet we are staying at is Aloha Changi at 30 Netheravon Road.

2) The guitar camp comprises of 3 components- training, games and chalet.
It is a must that you come for both Tues and Wed (including the BBQ) unless you have very valid reasons. The camp will officially end after the BBQ and do note that staying overnight at the chalet is completely voluntary and at your own risk.

3) Members staying overnight at the chalet are responsible for informing their parents that they will be checking out at 10am on Thurs.

4) Members will be divided into groups on Tuesday morning, and members will participate in Wednesday’s games and activities in these groups. A team leader will be appointed for each group. The team leader is responsible for initiating activities within the group and looking out for the safety of the group.

5) Please be reminded not be late for both Tue and Wed (the side gate will be closed at 9am sharp). Your punctuality is greatly appreciated.

5) For juniors not in grouping list but are interested in coming for the camp, please contact Shanshan (92749033) directly ASAP or you will be groupless. For other queries about the camp, please contact Shanshan also.

6) Reporting time on Tue: 8.45am
Venue: TC classroom
Attire: NJ PE tee + covered shoe
Bring: $10 for guitar fund (extra $5 for those who haven't paid for last term's fund), cleaning cloth, hand-held vacuum (if you have), your guitar, all scores, stationary, and yourself!

7) Reporting time on Wed: 8.45am
Venue: TC classroom
Attire: Any school based shirt + skirt/pants + covered shoes
Bring: Dark coloured clothes for wet games! :D, permanent marker (to label your cups and plates for BBQ), sufficient money for lunch on wed, guitar + scores, EZ link (with at least $5)

Extra to-bring List for those staying overnight)

1) 2D1N clothes and undergarments
2) Toiletries (eg. Towel, shampoo, shower/facial foam, toothbrush, toothpaste…)
3) Plastic bags for soiled clothing
4) Slippers
7) Personal medication (if any)
10) Handphone charger (so that you can be contactable by your parents)
11) Sufficient money for breakfast on thu

Optional items
1) Sunblock
2) Insect repellent
3) Snacks
4) Sleeping bag
5) Jacket/windbreaker

NOT to bring
1) Homework
2) Expensive electronic devices

Looking forward to seeing you for the camp!
Get excited! :D

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