Hello everyone!
the practice schedule for the next two weeks is as follows:
For senior ensemble and Juniors involved in the esplanade concert
16th July (Wednesday) 430 to 630 pm (we kind of always end at 7 + though… )
TC01 to 03
Practice plan:
Warm up + sectional => anytime before 430 to 5 (SL decide)
Ensemble with Mr. Toh from 5 to 630pm
Targets / objectives:
Perfect certain portions of our pieces
Solve the “rushing” problem
Expression (note that the esplanade concert will be rather formal with no power point, no colourful light effects, no dancing (probably)… but just pure music. so we got to make sure that with just music we can catch the audience’s attention.)
Other things to note:
Those who have CIP please inform your SL and try to come after that.
we will have to re-file our scores according to the new sequence
There is Chem SPA for JC1 and IP3. Those who cant attend the practice due to this please let your SL know.
17th July (Thursday) 4 to 630 pm
TC01 to 03
Practice plan:
Sectional – SL to work with sections on parts which members are still weak at.
6pm onwards - briefing about exco election. (IMPORTANT!!)
Targets / objectives:
Everyone should be able to play through all the songs with little or no rhythmic, dynamic or other technical problems.
Other things to note:
There is Parent teacher meeting for IP1 and 2
There is Chem Spa for JC1 and IP3
21st July (Monday) 430 to about 7pm
TC01 to 03
Practice plan:
Sectional – anytime before 430 to 5
Ensemble with Mr Lim 5 to 630 (exam group)
630 to 7 + briefing on concert sequence and other matters (guitar tags, files, happenings on the concert day itself)
Targets / objectives:
Perfect our exam pieces.
Non – exam group people please do self practice.
Other things to note:
Everyone please do an attire check. make sure that your costume is still present and in good shape. it will be the same as the one we used for in house concert.
23rd July (Wednesday) 340 to 7 pm (or later if need be. Hopefully won’t have to)
TC 01 to 03 (possible to have LT5??)
Practice plan:
340 to 430 – setup and warm up
430 to 630 – rehearsal
630 to 7 – detailed briefing and reminders of what that is going to happen on the concert day.
Targets / objectives:
To be clear of at least the walking in and out of stage
To be clear of what is going to happen on the concert day
All equipment prepared and ready
Other things to note:
JC2 parent teacher meeting
Members please confirm whether CAAL CIP or other commitments will clash with practice. try to excuse yourself if possible. Please inform Ms Ng so that arrangements can be made to excuse you from your CIP or other commitments.
Juniors not involved in the concert
17th July (Thursday) 430 to 630 (NOT 16th july wednesday)
TC02 or 03
Practice plan:
IDOs or yuping to teach juniors
6pm onwards - briefing for exco election (IMPORTANT!!)
Targets / objectives:
Learn new songs of slightly higher level than the concert pieces so as to slowly prepare for SYF next year.
21st July (Monday) 430 to 630
TC02 or 03
Practice plan:
Practice with Mr Toh from 5 to 630
Targets / objectives:
Continuation from the last lesson
Other Announcements
All the guys that bought the maroon shirt and have yet to pay the money ($29.90. will you all mind paying $30? the extra 10 cent will be donated to guitar fund.)
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